Friends to Addicts


Friends to Addicts is a community-based initiative dedicated to raising awareness about substance abuse and supporting individuals through their rehabilitation journey. Our weekly gatherings create a safe and welcoming environment for education, mentorship, and peer support.

While we do not directly provide physical rehabilitation services, we focus on connecting participants with accredited treatment centers to ensure they receive the professional care they need. Following initial rehabilitation, we seek to offer financial assistance through sponsorships to further support participants.

Our commitment extends beyond rehabilitation. We continue to facilitate support groups designed to aid in long-term recovery and successful community reintegration. By providing ongoing support and fostering a network of encouragement, we help individuals navigate their path to recovery and build a sustainable, positive future.

For more information or to get involved, please contact us directly. Your support is instrumental in making a difference in the lives of those seeking recovery.

Partner with us.

  • Inezette Engelbrecht
    083 308 3540

    Ernest Pienaar
    082 421 8480

  • Rustenburg Transformation Centre
    Cheque Account
    628 646 00749

  • We are actively seeking sponsors to help cover the costs of rehabilitation for individuals on their path to recovery. Your financial support is essential in providing the necessary treatment and resources.

    Additionally, we are looking for companies willing to offer work opportunities to those who have completed their rehabilitation. Employment is a critical step in ensuring long-term recovery and successful reintegration into the community.

    To get involved as a sponsor or partner, please contact us directly. Your support can make a profound difference in the lives of those seeking a fresh start and a brighter future.

Meet the team





Did you know?

Drug consumption in South Africa is twice the world norm.

15% of South Africa’s population have a drug problem.

Drug abuse is costing South Africa R20-billion a year and could pose a bigger threat to the country’s future than the Aids pandemic.

Over 30% of our population have an alcohol problem or are at risk of having one.

Alcohol affects 17.5 million South Africans.

Studies show that people who start drinking before the age of 15 are four times more likely to become alcoholics.

The use of cocaine has increased by 20% in two years.

In 2006 there were 250 000 South Africans who consumed cocaine worth about R1 430 million, this increased to 290 000 in 2008. (CDA)